Litespace - A platform built to reconnect employees in hybrid workspace | Product Hunt

AI-Driven End-to-End Employee Lifecycle Management

Transform Your Employee Experience into
Unified, Dynamic Workflow

Litespace automates your HR and People Management processes like onboarding, performance reviews, goal setting, and engagement tracking. Our AI provides you with unparalleled data insights and action items to drive performance, engage teams, and promote collaboration.

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A litespace product graphics that show case features like coffee chat, watercooler, team event and more with a line of footsteps in the background connecting all the features and location names as feature highlights such as onboarding, engagement, HR analytics, and communityA litespace product graphics that show case features like coffee chat, shout-outs, and HR analytics with a line of footsteps in the background connecting all the features together
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The Ultimate Employee Experience

a graphics design show casethe engagement feature at litespace


Engage Your Team

Equip your team with a range of tools, from casual coffee chats to team activities and community groups, to strengthen relationship building.

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Automate Your Scheduling

Put your team collaboration on autopilot by optimizing your remote and hybrid scheduling to be in the know of when and where people are working.

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a graphic design show case what litespace scheduling feature
a graphics design show case litespace analytics feature


Measure Your Impact

With all your activities in one platform, gain comprehensive insights into your teams' dynamics and a full snapshot of how your company culture is evolving

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Our Mission

Litespace is designed to create a more connected and inclusive work environment
Empower employees to build meaningful relationships, feel a sense of belonging, and connect over shared interests.

Inspire Connection

Empower employees to build meaningful relationships, feel a sense of belonging, and connect over shared interests.

Social feed and collaboration spaces make it easy to stay connected, share information, and work more closely together.

Build Community

Social feed and collaboration spaces make it easy to stay connected and work more closely together.

A groud of co-workers working together and connecting.

Peer Recognition

Celebrate team and individual achievements through public shout-outs and awards.

A group of employees at a company enjoying each other's company together.

Increase Retention

Grow a thriving culture. Make your company easy to join and hard to leave.

Why Litespace

Empower your workspace to soar with increased engagement, a thriving team culture, and peak performance!
icon for automation

Automating For Efficiency

Reduce the daily workload of your team by 30%! Less time filtering admin tasks and more time bringing the team together.

icons for employee centric approach

Employee-Centric Approach

Put employee experience at the heart of your workplace with our suggestions for engagement strategies.

a graphics about team activities
AI icons

AI Optimization

Our AI analytics provide impactful recommendations on space usage, work location, and scheduling for your HR process.

a graphics display about watercooler chat AI
icons for customer support

Dedicated 24/7 Support

Our dedicated client support team is always available to help you get the most out of our platform.

Connect With Your
Favorite Tools

One button to update your work status on all communication platforms

Listen To What Our Customers Say

Built By Alumni From
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From 100+ Customer Reviews
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Improve your employee engagement
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Seamless integration with all your favorite tools
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Around-the-clock support