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Zeeshan Shahid
Co-Founder & CTO
Liam Preditis
Full Stack Developer
Arun Cheriakara
Full Stack Developer
Dana Lin
Product Designer
Chang Mou
Product Designer

New Feature: Smart Hybrid Scheduling

September 1, 2023
New Feature: Smart Hybrid Scheduling

We are excited to announce the latest addition to our platform: Smart Hybrid Scheduling. This new AI-powered feature is designed to simplify your hybrid workweek planning by recommending the best-coordinated schedule for working from home or in the office. Teams can now work together more effectively and efficiently in a synchronized environment.

Addressing Common Challenges

In the evolving landscape of hybrid work where flexibility is key, we noticed the challenges faced by many dispersed organizations in achieving a harmonized workplace. A few examples include:

  • Lack of visibility into colleagues' schedules, leading to communication gaps and missed opportunities for collaboration. 
  • Uncertainty about team members' locations, hampering spontaneous discussions and hinders the natural flow of teamwork.
  • For administrators, underutilized office space often leads to increased costs and wasted resources

With Smart Scheduling, we wanted to minimize the time and effort spent on scheduling while enhancing team connectivity to foster a stronger sense of unity – we believe we did just that!

Our Smart Scheduling Solution: Key Features

  • Recommended Schedule for the Week: Litespace AI recommends optimal work locations for each day of the week. With a single click, you can automate your work status for the week or manually select your preferred work location on any chosen day.
  • Check-In Button: Confirm your arrival in the office with the check-in button, ensuring seamless coordination with your team.
  • Expanded View of Daily Activities: Access detailed information such as events, chosen work locations of all employees, and recommendation insights from peers you follow who will be in the office that day.
  • Real-Time Adaptation: As the week progresses, Litespace AI dynamically updates its recommendations based on workweek activities. With the latest insights and suggestions tailored to you and your team’s evolving needs, you can make better-informed decisions about your preferred schedule.

Rollout Status

Smart Scheduling has already been implemented and is ready for use. 

Ready to start your journey with us? Book a demo call with us to learn how Litespace can upgrade your workweek planning and transform your workplace experience.

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